Saturday, May 28, 2011

Character Meme - Tagged by Van

Grace Peridot - 10 Facts that no-one knows (esp. her parents and her BF)

1. When she and Adam first had sex, she hadn't had her first period yet.
2. She doesn't want her parents and Adam to meet because deep in her gut she knows that her parents will think he's not good enough for her and she's afraid they may be right.
3. Her favourite toy when she was little was Acne Boil-Lancing a Blue Bunny with a revolving carrot. She named the bunny after a story she overheard her parents laughing at. They think the bunny is named Acky. She still sleeps with it under her pillow.
4. She doesn't like chocolate.
5. Her favourite music is Australian Crawl and Air Supply . Her parents think her favourite is classical music, and her boyfriend thinks it's punk.
Australian Crawl - The Boys Light Up
Air Supply - Lost in Love
6.  She plays harmonica.
7. She won't wear Pink because it looks too girly - but privately she actually quite likes it.
8. She enjoys reading philosophy books because it gives her big ideas to confuse the other kids at church with. She has a personal goal to convert 5 different kids to 5 different philosophies. So far, she's managed 2.
9. She loves swimming naked. There's a beach out of town at Sunrise Island that no-one goes to, and she will go there regularly to skinny dip. (Book 2)
10. She has 3 friends at school, who all know about Adam. One of them has slept with him behind her back. One of them knows about the first, but hasn't told Grace. The third is completely clueless and thinks it's all terribly romantic. None of them have told their parents about it.


  1. What a fascinating character analysis! Number 3 (WHAT??) and number 10 in particular are so, well, strange and sad.

  2. Thanks Beth. Grace is a strange girl. I think that's why I like her so much. :)

  3. Awww - #1 makes me feel sorry for her.

    #2 - Wow, I think she'd have more reasons than that, like being scared of how they'd react to her personally.

    #3 - Awwwww, and lol at the name.

    #4 - OMG, can't say she's you then!

    #5 - I'll have to listen to those later!

    #6 - That's awesome!

    #7 - Aww, lol - she could borrow the Pinkie Pie MLP toy I bought yesterday!

    #8 - Woot, philosophy. Haha - I'm imagining that want popping up, just like "have 5 best friends* or "woohoo five service Sims"

    #9 - Oooh, possible scene with Adam?

    #10 - I see dramaz!

  4. Hi Stacy! ((hugs)) Yes. Grace is not me. She is almost anti-me actually in a kind of way. :)

    Grace hasn't gotten to the stage of being scared of her parents reaction. That comes later. :) She's seen her parents take in all sorts of strays so she expects them to treat him in a similiar way. It takes her a while to work out that being her bf is going to make all the difference. She IS only 13.
